BIO – Mike “Buster” Bednarek

Mike “Buster” Bednarek tours throughout the Pacific Northwest with his zany mix of physical comedy, balance, and illusions called Buster’s Red Nose Revue. He’s served on the staff at Clown Camp™ at the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, Chemeketa Community College, and numerous regional and international clown and comedy festivals.
As Dr. Fun E. Bone, he does weekly clown doctor rounds at Salem Hospital (Salem, Oregon). Mike is a frequent contributor to clown professional journals like Jest for Clowns and The New Calliope and is featured in the publication, Adventures in Clowning. He's the president of Red Nose Response, a non-profit, volunteer, clown organization that uplifts and supports the victims, responders, and communities affected by disasters and catastrophes with appropriate clowning, humor, and assistance.
Mike also is the creator of Red Nose Festival Competition, first introduced at the 1997 NW Festival of Clowns in Portland, Oregon. Red Nose helps participants become better, more complete clowns through performance showcases and constructive critiques that focus on their strengths and areas needing attention.
As Dr. Fun E. Bone, he does weekly clown doctor rounds at Salem Hospital (Salem, Oregon). Mike is a frequent contributor to clown professional journals like Jest for Clowns and The New Calliope and is featured in the publication, Adventures in Clowning. He's the president of Red Nose Response, a non-profit, volunteer, clown organization that uplifts and supports the victims, responders, and communities affected by disasters and catastrophes with appropriate clowning, humor, and assistance.
Mike also is the creator of Red Nose Festival Competition, first introduced at the 1997 NW Festival of Clowns in Portland, Oregon. Red Nose helps participants become better, more complete clowns through performance showcases and constructive critiques that focus on their strengths and areas needing attention.
Recently retired from a 34-year career in Oregon schools, he’s trying to decide what to do when he grows up. Or, if he even wants to grow up at all. In his spare time, he rides his bike without falling (very often), squeezes the concertina with mixed results, and gets taken for frequent walks by his dogs, his wife, and his wandering mind.
Curious to find out more about the 'inner Buster?' Check out this Q&A! Need some promo pictures? Check out Buster's Photo Album! |