Dr. Fun E. Bone had fun in PEDS yesterday with a girl who'd just had her appendix out.
Peeked the head of my assistant, Dr. Fowlbreath (my rubber chicken), in first to check things out. Made sure they hadn't ordered chicken for breakfast. Lots of giggling, discovered mom, dad, and grandma in the room with her. She sat up in her bed wide-eyed and open-mouthed, still a little loopy from pain meds.
Dad said she was afraid of clowns, but she motioned me to come in. She didn't know what to make of this odd red nosed visitor, but clearly was spellbound.
Trying to be sensitive to her condition, I let her give me cues for what and how much to do.
Was going to have some fun with the last name on the whiteboard outside her room, but realized word play was a little high brow for the situation. Went straight for the goofy.
"How'd you do that?!" to the paper napkin rose I made. There weren't any other flowers in the room yet, so fam was appreciative. She cupped her hands to the sides of her head and exploded them . . . mind blown. Quite the compliment. Guess I don't get around much, but I hadn't seen that one before. Gonna use it sometime.
"Do you know any magic?" Of course! I'm Dr. Fun E. Bone.
Did a couple of card tricks, both needing 'lovely assistants.' Yep, you guessed it, dad didn't make the cut. For the Big Card Trick -- bigger deck of cards -- used Spiderman instead of Minions. Her choice. When the chosen card floated up with the help of their wiggling fingers, the eyes opened way wider.
And got another 'mind blown.'
Mind blown.
Peeked the head of my assistant, Dr. Fowlbreath (my rubber chicken), in first to check things out. Made sure they hadn't ordered chicken for breakfast. Lots of giggling, discovered mom, dad, and grandma in the room with her. She sat up in her bed wide-eyed and open-mouthed, still a little loopy from pain meds.
Dad said she was afraid of clowns, but she motioned me to come in. She didn't know what to make of this odd red nosed visitor, but clearly was spellbound.
Trying to be sensitive to her condition, I let her give me cues for what and how much to do.
Was going to have some fun with the last name on the whiteboard outside her room, but realized word play was a little high brow for the situation. Went straight for the goofy.
"How'd you do that?!" to the paper napkin rose I made. There weren't any other flowers in the room yet, so fam was appreciative. She cupped her hands to the sides of her head and exploded them . . . mind blown. Quite the compliment. Guess I don't get around much, but I hadn't seen that one before. Gonna use it sometime.
"Do you know any magic?" Of course! I'm Dr. Fun E. Bone.
Did a couple of card tricks, both needing 'lovely assistants.' Yep, you guessed it, dad didn't make the cut. For the Big Card Trick -- bigger deck of cards -- used Spiderman instead of Minions. Her choice. When the chosen card floated up with the help of their wiggling fingers, the eyes opened way wider.
And got another 'mind blown.'
Mind blown.