An experienced trainer of clown and performance skills for youthful and adult students, as well as beginning and experienced clowns, Mike has taught the art of clowning at schools, community colleges, universities, festivals, and clown camps for over 30 years. Workshops teaching specific skills or providing an in-depth overview to clowning are an excellent complement to a performance.
Workshops can be presented in 1-, 2-, or 3-hour, full-day, or weekend blocks. Buster's workshops are hands-on and experiential in format, and require active involvement of participants. After all, clowning is a performing art!
Topics could include:
1. Clowning 101 (a two-weekend, 20-hour workshop)
2. Clowning 102 (a weekend workshop for the experienced and developing performer)
3. Performance 101: Basic Elements to Consider When Developing a Routine
4. Performance 102: Beyond the Basics
5. Stage Presence
6. Silent Comedy
7. Physical Comedy without the Pain
8. Clown Character: The Heart of the Art
9. 21 Days to Better Clowning: A Self‑Study Apprenticeship to Improve Your Clown
10. Red Nose What? (Or, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Red Nose Festival Competition, But Didn't Know Who or What to Ask! or But Have Only 1 Hour to Find Out!)
11. Red Nose Coach Training
12. Walkabout Physical Comedy
13. Simplicity, Stupidity, and Truth – Back to the Basics
In addition, one-on-one coaching sessions can be added to festival, convention, and camp lineups as an instructional supplement and as a part of the professional development and continuing improvement process for performers.
Workshop descriptions are here.
Workshops can be presented in 1-, 2-, or 3-hour, full-day, or weekend blocks. Buster's workshops are hands-on and experiential in format, and require active involvement of participants. After all, clowning is a performing art!
Topics could include:
1. Clowning 101 (a two-weekend, 20-hour workshop)
2. Clowning 102 (a weekend workshop for the experienced and developing performer)
3. Performance 101: Basic Elements to Consider When Developing a Routine
4. Performance 102: Beyond the Basics
5. Stage Presence
6. Silent Comedy
7. Physical Comedy without the Pain
8. Clown Character: The Heart of the Art
9. 21 Days to Better Clowning: A Self‑Study Apprenticeship to Improve Your Clown
10. Red Nose What? (Or, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Red Nose Festival Competition, But Didn't Know Who or What to Ask! or But Have Only 1 Hour to Find Out!)
11. Red Nose Coach Training
12. Walkabout Physical Comedy
13. Simplicity, Stupidity, and Truth – Back to the Basics
In addition, one-on-one coaching sessions can be added to festival, convention, and camp lineups as an instructional supplement and as a part of the professional development and continuing improvement process for performers.
Workshop descriptions are here.